front_handHello World!

First Program

If we already have Ruby installed on our computer or we use online compilers, we can create our first program.
If you have Ruby installed on your computer, go to the console, type irb and press enter. Irb is a tool that allows you to interactively run programs written in Ruby.
After launching the interactive ruby ​​console, the text on the left should change to indicate the version of ruby ​​you are using
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Our first program will display the inscription hello world, so let's write it.
"Hello World!"
After pressing enter (or run if you're using online compiler), the console will return the text "Hello World!". Simple huh?
In the following lessons you will learn more about how to create more complex programs, what variables are, how to create methods and classes, and much more.
One more thing. Now you're probably wondering how to exit the Ruby console. Nothing could be simpler. Just type exit and press enter.